Page 17 - January 2006 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 17

The most widely accepted change to the casino industry has been the ticket-in ticket-out system that replaced the need for coins in slot machines.
machine. This allows players to choose the amount they want to play on a game without having to search the casino to find a bank of machines offering the denomination of coins they want to play. The means players have more games to choose from. It also saves
in different denominations.
Casino Mergers A Boon to Players
Changes to slot machines have not been the only changes in the casino industry. In the last year we have seen several mergers and acquisitions in the casino industry. Many corporations now own multiple casinos in jurisdictions around the country. In the past you had to join a separate slot club for each casino. If you played a lot at your local casino and tried to get a room at one of the company’s other casinos in a di erent state, you often did not get credit for your local play.  is has all changed with the advent of national slot clubs being o ered by big casino corporations.
 is new trend is de nitely a plus for casino players.
“New coinless slot machines also made it possible to play different denominations from
the same machine. This allows players to choose the amount they want to play on a game without having to search the
casino to find a bank of machines offering the denomination of coins
they want to play.”
be programmed with any games on a server. I doubt we will see these in casinos this year.
I do know that casinos are making seats more comfortable in an e ort to get players to stay longer at slot machines. We can expect to see these new seats on casino  oors as the casinos upgrade to new machines. I also know that 2006 will see continued growth as casino gambling continues to spread around the country.
You can also bet that in 2006 you will continue to see new and more entertaining games in the casinos. After all, entertainment is what it is all about. I wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Until next time, remember: “Luck comes and goes...Knowledge Stays Forever!”
casinos the expense of buying multiple slot machines machines would essentially be a generic kiosk that could
What’s To Come?
The Year Ahead
I don’t know exactly where we are headed in 2006. At this year’s gaming show there was talk of server-based slots that would allow casinos to change games in a slot machine with the click of a mouse.  e new slot
Bill Burton is the Casino Gambling Guide and columnist for the Internet portal located at: He is the author of 1000 Best Casino Gambling Secrets and Get the Edge at Low Limit Texas Hold’em available online at He is also an instructor for Golden Touch Craps:
January 2006 Page 17

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