Page 28 - June 2006 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 28
Wired Aces
Page 28
June 2006
World Series of Poker® on $240 a Day
...Continued from Page 10
spanking-new poker book that I will talk about in later columns, reminds me that there is a rami cation to the large elds at the WSOP:“You’ll nd a lot of very poor players who feel that pocket 8s is the nuts. Find a spot where you can really punish someone like this.”
In 10k events, the blinds are so small relative to the chip stacks that Annie Duke suggests a tight and trappy game during the early stages. Jay warns about
the smaller WSOP tournaments that your starting stack is usually only the buy-in amount, so“It’s not like a 10k event, where you have time to see a lot of ops. Early on, you’ll probably nd a spot where you’ll have to nd a hand and go with it.”
Go with it! at’s probably the best advice I can give you if you’re having dreams or daydreams of a little weekend jaunt to Vegas during the WSOP.
I want to thank all the great players who helped me out with this column and if you win big at Vegas, remember my cut: an e-mail telling me all about it.
Jim Mercurio is a writer and lmmaker. His feature Film, Hard Scrambled, is playing in several lm festivals across the country. His screenplay Dysfunction Junction recently won a Remi Award at Houston Worldfest. Check out or contact him at