Page 28 - November 2006 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 28
Wired Aces Casino Bus Schedules (Continued)
Page 28
November 2006
“I Got Nothing...Pocket Aces”
...Continued from Page 10
If the player who hasn’t acted has a marginal hand and is contemplating a call because he feels there is a chance that the rst player is blu ng, then your folding out of turn completely changes the dynamic of the hand. He is much less likely to call if he thinks you are going to call. He might be able to beat a blu , but he knows he can’t beat your overcall.
It is your responsibility here to act the same as if you were making the blu itself and to give away no
information about your action. e rst player acted knowing there were two players still in the hand. If you let the second player know that you are going to be out of the hand, you are giving away valuable information. It’s almost worse than collusion. At least collusion has a goal. Here your irresponsible actions are just hurting players at random.
If you’ve seen Rounders, you know what the proper punishment if for collusion. So if what you’re doing is worse...
Well, you get my drift.
Take it from me: Don’t be a big, fat jerk.
Jim Mercurio is a lmmaker, writer and poker player. If you like reading his columns, let him know at