Page 18 - February 2009 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 18
The New Dimension in Slot Play
By Borris Bienn
Imagine yourself in the casino of the future. You select your favorite video slot and settle into a comfortable, ergonomically enhanced chair and insert your players
club card. en you select the denomination you want to play. After a few spins,
you hit a bonus game, and you’re dazzled by 3-d animation so real that you want to reach inside the screen and grab some of the glittering treasure. Soon you decide that you’d like to play a di erent game. You’re in the mood to play your favorite reel slot.
With the touch of a few buttons, your video slot machine almost magically transforms into a classic 3-reel slot. You choose a new denomination, then decide you’d rather play a
5-reel game, and with the touch of a button, there it is! e look and feel is so convincing
that you forget that you’re still looking at a video screen and not seeing actual mechanical reels behind glass—at least until you hit a winning combination and a shower of gold coins
IsitReelorisit REELdepthTM?
From a player’s perspective, REELdepthTM
allows players who prefer the feel of the more traditional mechanical reel slots to enjoy their favorite games with a twist. Brenda Boudreaux, IGT Vice President Product Management explains, “It really lets the player have some comfort level, but yet it added some
additional pizzazz and dazzle to it.”
For example, when you hit a winning combination
on your favorite Triple StarsTM game, you might see a shower of gold coins fall in front of the reels in magni cent 3-d. In the initial release, IGT is making nearly 70 of its classic titles available as REELdepthTM themes, including such favorites as Triple Diamonds® Slots, Double DiamondsTM, Sizzling 7sTM, Triple StarsTM and Double Times Pay 3x4x5xTM Slots.
“We knew we had something special with REELdepthTM,” said Todd DiMillo, Floor Manager
cascades in front
of the virtual reels.
Page 18
February 2009
Sounds exciting, right? Slots that utilize the latest and most innovative 3-d display technology represent the future of gaming— and the future is here. You can experience some of tomorrow’s technology today at your favorite Southern California casino.
anks to IGT’s new REELdepthTM technology, you can play your favorite reel slots, video slots, and video poker, and enjoy stunning 3-d graphics without having to wear 3-d glasses—all on one slot
The Next Generation 3-D
ere’s a lot of new buzz about an old entertainment enhancement: 3-d. Remember the 3-d movies from the 1950s? Well, 3-d is back.
But the technology has changed.
Just a few basics about how it works. If we want to create the
illusion of 3-d on a two-dimensional surface, each eye has to see things from a different perspective. That’s how the old paper red and blue 3-d movie glasses worked. One eye would see the blue outlines, one eye would see the red outlines, and when our brains fused the images together, the Creature from the Black Lagoon would seem to jump off the screen
and into our laps.
e more modern 3-d glasses use polarization to create the
two distinct images, but the principle is the same. As long as each eye sees from a slightly di erent perspective, we perceive depth.
But a few years ago, PureDepthTM, Inc. discovered how to manipulate perspective without using glasses. ey developed a revolutionary new technology known as Multi-Layer Display® (MLD®) that layers two Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) on top of each other, with an interstitial lter between them. Instead of the illusion of depth, MLD® technology actually provides real depth.
Initially, this technology was used in military applications of multi-layer maps of war zones, but now it’s nding its way into a variety of consumer products—including your favorite slot machines.
REELdepthTM technology allows players to play dozens of differe slots—all on the same machine.