Page 14 - March 2010 • Southern California Gaming Guide
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March 2010 Tribes in the News
TSan Manuel Provides Funds for Tribes Recovering from Winter Storms
he San Manuel Band of Mission Indians adequate supplies and equipment to make it through in 2003 and 2007. In 2008 San Manuel provided a $1 announced on February 8th that the Hopi Tribe periods of isolation during winter months. million donation to fund an economic recovery plan and the Navajo Nation will receive $50,000 each “We were moved to act from a deep concern for the for the Havasupai Tribe inundated by ood waters
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March 2010
for emergency relief operations as they continue e orts to provide food, water, heating resources and other basic supplies to tribal members following devastating winter storms that swept through the reservations in January. Tribal members residing in remote and isolated areas of the vast Indian reservations in northern Arizona have been further hampered by roads that become impassable when hit by storms of great magnitude.
e Hopi and Navajo Tribes’ reservations were declared disaster areas by the state of Arizona. e National Guard provided assistance with emergency services for the 1.5 million-acre Hopi Reservation and the 17 million-acre Navajo Reservation. Often, the vastness of these reservation lands makes it di cult to ensure that tribal members are provided
children and elders of the Hopi and Navajo tribes, who have been left vulnerable by the storm,” said Chairman James Ramos. “As Tribes we are closely tied together socially, culturally and politically and believe that we should support each other in times of need.”
San Manuel is part of a communications network among native nations and monitors unfolding situations which adversely a ect brother and sister tribes to determine if it can help.
San Manuel has a long history of supporting relief and economic recovery e orts of Indian Tribes following natural disasters in its home state of California, along the Gulf Coast and Indian reservations across the United States. e Tribe assisted Southern California tribes swept by wild res
in the bottom of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. San Manuel also contributed $220,000 to assist Tribes in Nebraska and South Dakota with their emergency relief e orts from the 2010 winter storms.
“ is winter has brought di culties and hardships on many of our people and communities on the Navajo Reservation,” said Herman Shorty, Chairman, Navajo Nation Commission on Emergency Management. “ Times like this bring out the best in people and we thank the San Manuel Band for their generosity. We are blessed with such friends and stand united with other Indian nations when it comes to helping one another.”
...Tribes in the News continues on page 17
Tribes in the News Bus Schedules (Continued)