Page 18 - December 2012 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 18

Southern California casinos celebrate the winter holidays in grand style each year culminating at 3 p.m.), play the Christmas Special Car Game to win a brand
new car! And Sycuan Christmas mugs will be given away while supplies last.
Is your holiday wish to strike it rich?  en don’t miss Dave Mason’s $250,000 Great Big Holiday Giveaway at Valley
with sensational events for New Year’s Eve.  ere are thrilling cash and car giveaways,
fantastic seasonal entertainment and dining feasts. So take a break from the stress of your holiday prep, and enjoy yourself at the casino. Who knows, you may even receive a special holiday present: an awesome jackpot! And to give you a view of what’s going on at fabulous featured casinos in December, here are some not-to-be-missed holiday events.
View Casino & Hotel on Wednesday, December 12
1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Cash, iPads, tvs and other great prizes
will be given away every thirty minutes starting at 1 p.m. and anyone can
win. When 10 p.m. hits, you could be one of nine lucky
winners who will have the chance to pull threeenvelopesfrom
the Great Big Holiday Giveaway game board. If the sum of the dollar amounts enclosed in your envelopes adds up to
$1,000, you win $250,000! Open to all Players Club
members, don’t miss your chance to turn
your holiday wishes into holiday riches on 12-12-12. And you could win an awesome 2013 Audi A4 (including all sales tax and licensing fees)! Get free entries daily just for swiping your Players Club card, and earn additional entries through slot
and table game play. And earn 5x entries every  ursday. Pick up additional entries at Audi Escondido, Honda of EscondidoorMazdaofEscondido,andbringthem totheValleyViewCasino&HotelPlayers
Club to be entered to win.  e Audi, cash, andotherexcitingprizeswillbeawardedon
Wednesday, December 26th.
Barona Resort & Casino is giving
away $1,000 every 15 minutes in the TGI Thursdays Holiday Edition, on  ursdays, December 13th, 20th, and 27th. Barona will hold special Power Giveaways from
12 a.m. to 12 a.m. and every 15 minutes, one player will win $1,000 cash!
During the holiday season win your share of $30,000 at Sycuan Casino just in time for Christmas! From December 12th to December 23rd, the Twelve Days of
Christmas drawings will be held at 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m., and 6:30 p.m.
 at’s 12 consecutive
days of winning!
To play, simply
earn 10 points on
your Club Sycuan card and
swipe in at any kiosk for your daily
Games players, this holiday season is heating up! Play Sycuan Table Games Monday through  ursday,
December 3rd to December 20th, and during Holiday Hot Seats, win your share of $20,000 in cash. Be seated in the
lucky Hot Seat and instantly
win $100 and an entry into the Grand Final drawing.
Everyone wins—good neighbors seated at the hot table also win
an entry into the Grand Final drawing on December 20th, and a
chance at up to $6,000. Drawings will be held every two hours starting
at 12:30 a.m. Must be a Club Sycuan member
to participate. And at Sycuan Christmas Day Bingo Evening Session only (doors open

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