Page 5 - July 2014 • Southern California Gaming Guide
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Volume 13, Number 7 • July 2014
From the Publisher...
TSummer of Fun Ways to Win More!
here are loads of fun summer giveaways, promotions, free play and slot tournaments at Southern California casinos in July. For just a few, check out pages 16 and 17 for our Summer Don’t Miss List casino events.  ere are amazing car and cash giveaways, fantastic slot tournaments and more at the hottest casinos in Southern California. And for
Fourth of July casino fun, make sure you read what’s going on at featured casinos in Gaming News on page 14.
And you’ll want to get in the running for slot play thrills in fun and exciting casino slot tournaments this month.
Some Southern California casinos are still holding qualifying sessions for Multimedia Games’ National TournEvent of Champions®. Players from across the country will vie for the TournEvent Champion title and a $200,000 prize in October in Las Vegas. See how you may become one of the participating Southern California casinos’ representatives. See Tournaments, page 22, and visit to  nd out more.
And check out the monthly Extraordinary Casino Values, this month on page 20, where each month you can read about the special value deals featured casinos are o ering their players club members.  is month there are players club credit multipliers, free play and lots more. Remember to always play with your players club card in every casino you visit to be sure you get paid to play.
Next month, look for the ballot for the 12th Annual Best of Southern California GamingTM Reader’s Choice Awards.  is will be your chance to voice your opinion about the Best Casinos in Southern California and all their amenities. And be sure you vote. We’ll have a fun random drawing for great prizes for those who send in completed ballots, so
make sure you get your ballot in on time. Voting will be with the ballot in the August issue, and also online during the month of August. We will have all your votes compiled and announce the 2014 Best of Southern California Gaming Awards: Best Casinos, and the drawing winners in the October issue.
Just a reminder, you can pick up the Southern California Gaming Guide at over 3,500 locations in Southern California including participating 7-Eleven, Ralphs, CVS and K-Mart stores in Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura and San Diego Counties; Stater Brothers, Albertsons, Savon Drugs, and USA Gasoline stores in the Inland Empire and Orange County; and IGA stores in San Diego County. Plus at participating hotels, motels, car rental agencies, restaurants, liquor stores, independent grocery and convenience stores, health clubs, co ee shops, senior centers and more.
Have a lucky July, and remember to always keep your play fun at the casinos!
Théon Banos Cross
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Kevin Burk
Advertising Sales
Théon Banos Cross
Gail Anders
Bob Dancer
Anna Tennant • Maya Winkler
P. O. Box 19267 San Diego, CA 92159 General Information: 619.462.5891
Email: 619.462.5891
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JULY 2014

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