Page 27 - September 2014 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 27

September 2014 Bingo Calendar
Bingo Monday–Wednesday, at 6 p.m., and Sundays at 1 p.m.
Phone: 1-800-248-6274.
$2 Sock Promotion—Jackpot accumulates every Bingo
session until it hits and starts over. Buy-in to $1 daily sock promotion required.
Mini-Marathon Sundays—Sundays, September 14th, and 21st, 1 p.m., 40 regular games pay $1,199. Buy-in $60/$98.
Haku Special Sunday — Sunday, September 28th, 1 p.m., $10,000 must go if not won earlier. Buy in $23/$46, 15 regular games pay $1,000.
Labor Day Celebration Blast from the Past Monday— Monday, September 1st, at 1 p.m., 12 regular games paying $750, buy-in $18/$29. Extra packs only $3. No late birds.
Blast from the Past Mondays—September 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th, at 6 p.m., 12 regular games paying $750,
buy-in $18/$29. Extra packs only $3. No late birds. Buddy Night Bingo Tuesdays—Tuesdays, September 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th. Buy in $23/$42 Super-Pack,
12 regular games pay $500/$1,000. Bring a friend, and if either wins, both are winners. See Bingo for details.
Reno Night Wednesdays — Wednesdays, September 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th. Starts at 6 p.m. Buy-in $23/$42, 12 regular games pay $500/$1,000.
MatineeSaturday—Saturday,September27th at1p.m., buy-in $23/$42, 12 regular games paying $500/$1,000.
Hot Star Drawings—Win a chance to play a loaded machine for a game in play. Drawings take place before each regular session on random Bingo days. To qualify, play with your Club Chumash card and be present to win, because you never know when the next Hot Star Drawing will be!
FANTASY SPRINGS RESORT CASINO BINGO PALACE Bingo Palace features daily bingo. Bingo Information Line, 1-800-827-2946.
Bingo Wed.–Sun. Phone: 1-800-252-4499 ext. 3954.
Brand new 700-seat bingo facility. Bingo daily. Phone: 1-877-711-2946.
SAN MANUEL INDIAN BINGO & CASINO Bingodaily(except ursdays).Call1-800-359-2464.
Monday through Friday at 8 a.m., and 9 a.m. Electronic Bingo available. Call: 951-665-1000 ext. 202.
Matinee Bingo Daily 9:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m., and 2 p.m., $10 buy-in Matinee i, $10 buy-in Matinee ii “Dauber’s Chance,” $5 buy-in Matinee iii, 10 regular games pay $300, $2 bonus packs pay $300; Saturday & Sunday Matinee i, ii, and iii $15 buy-in, 10 regular games pay $500, free breakfast Matinee i; Evening Sessions daily at 7 p.m.; Sunday– ursday $5 buy-in pays $1,000, $2 bonus packs pay $1,000; Friday & Saturday $10 buy-in pays $750, $15 buy-in pays $1,199, $3 bonus packs pay $750, $5 bonus packs pay $1,199. For information call 1-800- 2-sycuan.
Labor Day Marathon— Win your share of $165,000 on Monday, September 1st. $15 Paper buy-in includes 10 Regular Games (12-on) and one 3-on Jackpot; $30 Electronic includes 24 Regular Game cards and 6 Jackpot
cards; $58 Special Electronic package includes MP Bingo, 96 Regular Game cards, and 9 Jackpot cards (prices are per segment). Buy-in segments 1–4 for a chance to win a cruise vacation. Buy-in for all 7 segments for a chance to win a 2014 Ford Mustang. See Bingo for details.
Anniversary Pre-Sales—Beginning September 1st, buy-in early (paper or electronic) for Sycuan Bingo’s Anniversary Event and reserve your seat. Receive a Sycuan Hoodie and a voucher for Matinee iii drawing)
with your pre-sale buy-in. $75 paper includes: 12 on, Circle 8’s, 1 (3 on 1) Early Bird, 1 (3 on 1) of each Jackpot (G-Ball, Super Jackpot, and Advantage). $150 electronic
includes 174 regular cards, 2 Circle 8’s, 12 Early Birds, 6 cards of each Jackpot (G-Ball, Super Jackpot, Advantage MP and Hotball). $250 package includes 240 Regualr Game cards, 5 Circle 8’s, 24 Early Birds, 9 electronic Super Jackpot cards, G-Ball, Advantage MP, and Hotball. Plus, two names will be drawn to spin the wheel and win up to $10,000. See Sycuan Bingo for details.
Tailgate Teaser Tuesday and Thursday — In September, during Matinee i, ii, and iii, if the next ball in the monitor is yours, Level i players receive $100, and Level ii players receive $200. During the Evening Session, if the next ball in the monitor is yours, Level i pays $200, Level ii pays $400, and Level iii pays $600. Multiple winners for the Tailgate Teasers will split the prize payouts.
$5 Sizzling Saturdays — Saturdays, September 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th, during the Evening Session, $5 paper buy-in includes one 12-on, one Circle 8’s, and one 3-on Early Bird; $20 minimum electronic buy-in includes 48 Regular Game cards, 4 Circle 8’s, 12 Level i Early Bird cards; $60 pack includes 174 Level i electronic Regular Game cards, 24 Level ii Early Birds, 5 Circle 8’s, 3 cards
of each Jackpot (G-Ball, Advantage, Super Jackpot), MP, Hotball, and one paper bonus pack. All Regular Games pay $1,000. $2 Bonus packs. No senior discounts, coupons or certi cates with initial buy-in.
Grandparents Day—Sunday, September 7th, all sessions. Bring your grandparents and receive free breakfast during Matinee i from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Free bonus pack with initial buy-in. Special Matinee Package: $50 Grand Package includes 96 Level i cards,
24 Level ii cards, 3 Double Action, 1 Pack Circle 8, 3 cards of 4 Corner and G-Ball Jackpot, excluding Bonanzas MP and Hot Ball. Special Evening Package: $65 Grand Package includes 72 Level i, 48 Level ii, and 24 Level iii electronic Regular Game cards, 1 Pack Circle 8, and 3 cards of each Jackpot (Advantage, G-Ball, Super
Jackpot MP, and Hot Ball).
Native American Day—Friday, September 26th,
Matinee iii: Must Go Double Action, $1,000; Saturday, September 27th, Matinee iii: Must Go 4 Corner Jackpots, $1,000; Sunday, September 28th, Matinee iii: Must Go G-Ball, $1,000. Evening Sessions: All Jackpots Must Go, $2,000. PHD Drawings all sessions.
Kozmik BinGLO: Every Saturday night at 11 p.m. Kozmik paper buy-in, $8 and $9; electronic buy-in, $15 and $25. Kozmik BinGLO features club music, lasers, black lights, and a wild and crazy crew. Glow-in-the- dark attire recommended. Saturday, September 27th: Backyard BBQ, with $10,000 up for grabs!
Bingo daily, matinee and evening sessions. For information call 1-800-847-6537.

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