Page 27 - December 2014 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 27
December 2014 Bingo Calendar
Bingo Monday–Wednesday, at 6 p.m., and Sundays at 1 p.m. Phone: 1-800-248-6274.
new Year’s eve Bingo Bash Celebration—$35,000 must go on Wednesday, December 31st, at 12 p.m. Buy-in $36/$64, 15 Regular Games pay $2015. Special “Top Hat” game for a chance to win one year of free bingo! No late birds.
$2 Sock Promotion—Jackpot accumulates every Bingo session until it hits and starts over. Buy-in to $1 daily sock promotion required.
Mini-Marathon Sundays — On Sundays, December 7th and 21st, 1 p.m., 40 regular games pay $1,199. Buy-in $64/$102.
Bingo Sunday—Sunday, December 14th, 1 p.m., buy-in $27/$46, 12 regular games paying $500/$1,000.
HakuSpecialSunday—Sunday,December28th, 1 p.m., $10,000 must go if not won earlier. Buy in $27/$50, 15 regular games pay $1,000.
Blast from the Past Mondays—December 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th, at 6 p.m. Buy-in $22/$33, 12 regular games paying $750. Extra packs only $3. No late birds.
Buddy night Bingo tuesdays—Tuesdays, December2nd,9th,16th,23rd,and30th.Buyin$27/$46Super- Pack, 12 regular games pay $500/$1,000. Bring a friend, and if either of you wins, both are winners. See Bingo for details.
Helping Hands Reno night Wednesdays — Wednesdays, December 3rd, 10th, and 17th. Starts at 6 p.m. Super-Pack Buy-in $27/$46, 12 regular games pay $500/$1,000. Donate three canned food items and receive a free game for a chance to win $500 in casino Free Play. On December 17th, Club Chumash members are eligible for random Christmas Prize drawings after each regular session, and receive a free present with buy-in.
Matinee Saturdays—Saturdays, December 20th and 27th at 1 p.m., Super-Pack buy-in $27/$46, 12 regular
games paying $500/$1,000.
Blast from the Past thursday— ursday, January 1st,
at 6 p.m. Buy-in $22/$33, 12 regular games paying $750. Extra packs only $3. Late Birds $5.
Hot Star Drawings—Win a chance to play a loaded machine for a game in play. Drawings take place before each regular session on random Bingo days. To qualify, play with your Club Chumash card and be present to win, because you never know when the next Hot Star Drawing will be!
FAntASY SPRinGS ReSoRt CASino BinGo PALACe Bingo Palace features daily bingo. Bingo information Line, 1-800-827-2946.
Bingo Wed.–Sun. Phone: 1-800-252-4499 ext. 3954.
PeCHAnGA ReSoRt & CASino
Brand new 700-seat bingo facility. Bingo daily. Phone: 1-877-711-2946.
SAn MAnUeL inDiAn BinGo & CASino
Bingo daily (except ursdays). Call 1-800-359-2464.
ursday through Sunday at 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Electronic Bingo available. Call: 951-665-1000 option 4.
Matinee Bingo Daily 9:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m., and 2 p.m., $10 buy-in Matinee i, $10 buy-in Matinee ii “Dauber’s Chance,” $5 buy-in Matinee iii, 10 regular games pay $300, $2 bonus packs pay $300; Saturday & Sunday Matinee i, ii, and iii $15 buy-in, 10 regular games pay $500, free breakfast Matinee i; Evening Sessions daily at 7 p.m.; Sunday– ursday $5 buy-in pays $1,000, $2 bonus packs pay $1,000; Friday & Saturday $10 buy-in pays $750, $15 buy-in pays $1,199, $3 bonus packs pay $750, $5 bonus packs pay $1,199. For information call 1-800-2-sycuan.
new Year’s eve $100,000 Must Go—Buy-in early and reserve your seat. All Jackpots Must Go! Paper buy-in for $75, includes 12-on, Circle 8, 3-on-1, and G-Ball, Super Jackpot and Advantage Jackpot; $150 electronic includes 174 regular cards, 2 Circle 8’s, 12 Early Birds, 6 of each Jackpot, MP, and Hotball.; $250 package includes warm-ups, Mystery, 240 Regular Game cards,
5 Circle 8’s, 24 Early Birds, and 9 of each Jackpot, MP and Hotball. All Jackpots Must Go, Regular Games pay $2,015/$2,015 consolation. No senior discounts or comps allowed for initial buy-in.
Santa’s Sleigh Car Giveaway—You could win a brand new Kia Sorento during the Evening Session on December 25th, after the Super Jackpot game. Begin receiving printed drawing vouchers on December 1st, one voucher with every electronic Bingo buy-in. See Sycuan Bingo for details.
Mega Mondays —Bingo on any regular game Tuesday throughSundayduringanysessionandreceiveavoucher for 36 Regular Game Cards (Electronic) to be redeemed very Monday in December. Each Voucher is redeemable for up to one session (Matinee i, ii, iii, or Evening), and you must have an initial Electronic minimum buy-in. Multiple vouchers may be used during each session. A valid date will be printed on each ticket. Vouchers may not be redeemed for paper cards.
12 Days of GiFtmas—During all sessions from December 12th through December 23rd, three lucky winners will be drawn to win a New Year’s Eve buy-in and 174 free electronic cards.
Christmas eve—Bingo will be closed for all sessions on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th.
Christmas Day—Doors open at 3 p.m. for Evening Session (only). Play the Santa’s Sleigh Car Giveaway to win a Kia Sorento. Sycuan Christmas mugs will be given out while supplies last, with Bingo buy-in.
Kozmik BinGLo: Every Saturday night at 11 p.m. Kozmik paper buy-in, $8 and $9; electronic buy-in, $15 and $25. Kozmik BinGLO features club music, lasers, black lights, and a wild and crazy crew. Glow-in-the-dark attire recommended. Saturday, December 27th: Over $10,000 Must Go in the end of the year Kozmik Bash! Buy-in starts at 8:30 p.m. All Regular Games pay $1,000, all Fun Games pay $500. Buy in $10/$20 Electronic/$45 End of Year package includes 120 Kozmik Regular Game cards, 1 Last-One-Standing, 24 Mystery Money game cards. Reserve your party table now, and receive a free treat for your table.
Bingo daily, matinee and evening sessions. For information call 1-800-847-6537.