Page 12 - July 2015 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 12

Morongo Charity Golf Tournament Raises $60,000 for the Boys & Girls Club
Nearly 400 golfers hit the links for charity on Monday, June 8th, at the 19th annual Morongo Charity Golf Tournament, which raised $60,000 for new backpacks, school supplies, hoodies and shoes for hundreds of low- income children in the San Gorgonio Pass.
Since debuting in 1997, the Morongo Charity Golf Tournament has collected more than $1 million for dozens of local and regional nonpro ts that provide services and support to military veterans, children, schools and hospitals.
“Helping people in need has always been a part of Morongo’s history, so we’re pleased to have been able to sponsor this program, which has given back to the community for close to 20 years,” said event chairman Damon Sandoval, a Morongo Tribal Council member. “ e funds raised through this tournament bene t hundreds of local school children and their families each year.”
Hosted by the Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa, the 2015 tournament attracted 380 golfers to the lush Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon on Monday, June 8th. “We’re happy so many players and sponsors once again joined Morongo to make
our annual Charity Golf Tournament a success,” Sandoval said.
 e 2015 Morongo Charity Golf Tournament raised $60,000 for the Boys & Girls Club of San Gorgonio Pass, which serves hundreds of children daily.  e funds will be used to provide 800 kindergarten through seventh-grade students with backpacks full of school supplies, plus new shoes and hoodies, at the start of the 2015–16 school year.  e students will get to select their shoes from several brand
styles and will be individually  tted at a local sports store.
Amy Herr, Chief Executive O cer of the Boys & Girls Club of San Gorgonio
Pass, said the golf tournament donation provides a huge lift to many local families. “ ings are still tough for a lot of the folks we work with,” Herr said.“Although kids elsewhere might take it for granted to get new shoes as they head into a new school
Morongo Tribal Council Member Damon Sandoval (right) presents a $60,000 check to Amy Herr, chief executive of cer of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the San Gorgonio Pass, and Mark Turner, chief executive of cer of San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital.
year, many of our members have only had hand-me-downs. So, this opportunity to try on new shoes in a store is immeasurable on many levels.  e program also gives the students much-needed and appreciated new hoodies, backpacks and classroom supplies. We’re thankful for Morongo’s generosity.”
 e Morongo Charity Golf Tournament is one of several annual community events conducted by the Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa and the Morongo Band of Mission Indians. In keeping with the Tribe’s longstanding tradition of giving, the Morongo Band of Mission Indians has donated more than $5 million to hundreds of local and national nonpro t organizations and charities during the last  ve years.
July 2015 Tribes in the News

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