Page 27 - November 2015 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 27

Bingo Monday–Wednesday, at 6 p.m., and Sundays at 1 p.m. Phone: 1-800-248-6274.
Mini-Marathon Sunday—Sunday, November 1st, 1 p.m., 40 regular games pay $1,199. Buy-in $64/$102. Bingo WinnerFest—Sunday, November 8th, 1 p.m.,
over $75,000 must go. Machine buy-in $129 includes 20 regular games paying $2,500 and 4 winner specials paying $5,000. Extra paper packs and specials will be
sold on the  oor.
Bingo Sundays—Sundays, November 15th and
22nd, 1 p.m., buy in $27/$46, 12 regular games pay $500 or $1,000.
Haku Special Sunday—Sunday, November 29th, 1 p.m., $10,000 must go if not won earlier. Buy in $27/$50, 15 regular games pay $1,000.
Helping Hands Mondays — Mondays, November 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th, 6 p.m., $22/$33 buy-in with 12 regular games paying $750, extra packs $5, Late Birds $5,  ve games paying $500 each. Donate three canned food items and receive one free game for a chance to win $500. Play a special game for a chance to win Casino Free Play.
Buddy Night Bingo Tuesdays — Tuesdays, November 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th, starts at 6 p.m. Buy in $27/$46 Super-Pack, 12 regular games pay $500/$1,000. Bring a friend, and if either of you wins, both are winners. Buddy winner will receive $300 in Casino Free Play, multiple winners split, valid on regular session games. The 2-for-1 floor sales apply to specials only, excludes Lucky 8s. See Bingo for details.
Bingo Wednesdays—Wednesdays, November 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th. Starts at 6 p.m. Super-Pack Buy-in $27/$46, 12 regular games pay $500/$1,000.
Matinee Saturday — Saturdays, November 7th and 21st, at 1 p.m., Super-Pack buy-in $27/$46, 12 regular
games paying $500/$1,000.
$2 Sock Promotion—Jackpot accumulates every
Bingo session until it hits and starts over. Buy-in to $1 daily sock promotion required.
MP Bingo—Planet Bingo, 5 new progressive jackpots. You could win on selected 8 regular session games.
FANTASY SPRINGS RESORT CASINO Bingo Palace features daily bingo. Bingo Information Line, 1-800-827-2946.
Bingo o ered daily, Monday–Friday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and Saturday–Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Events Room. Phone: 1-866-7WIN-BIG.
MORONGO CASINO RESORT & SPA Bingo Wed.–Sun. Phone: 1-800-252-4499 ext. 3954.
Bingo daily, 700-seat bingo facility. Phone: 1-877-711- 2946.
SAN MANUEL INDIAN BINGO & CASINO Bingo daily (except  ursdays). Call 1-800-359-2464.
Matinee Bingo Daily 9:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m., and
2 p.m., $10 buy-in Matinee i, $10 buy-in Matinee ii “Dauber’s Chance,” $5 buy-in Matinee iii, 10 regular games pay $300, $2 bonus packs pay $300; Saturday & Sunday Matinee i, ii, and iii $15 buy-in, 10 regular games pay $500, free breakfast Matinee i; Evening Sessions daily at 7 p.m.; Sunday– ursday $5 buy-in pays $1,000, $2 bonus packs pay $1,000; Friday &
Saturday $10 buy-in pays $750, $15 buy-in pays $1,199, $3 bonus packs pay $750, $5 bonus packs pay $1,199.
For information call 1-800-2-SYCUAN.
32nd Anniversary Bingo Celebration — Over
$150,000 in cash and a brand new Mercedes GLC SUV must go! With your pre-sale buy-in, you receive one Sycuan Hoodie, a voucher for a Matinee iii drawing for $3,200, and a drawing voucher for a 2016 Mercedes GLC SUV. Buy-in $75 paper/
electronic, $150 electronic package, or $250 celebration package. Bird Singers and Native American Dancers will perform at 5:15 p.m. No discounts, coupons, or certi cates with initial buy- in. Bingo VIP Certi cates are good the day of the event only.
New Year’s Eve Pre-
Sales — Buy-in early with
paper or electronics for the
New Year’s Eve Event and
reserve your seat. You could start the year with a brand new car. Buy-in $35 paper; $75 Confetti Package Electronic; $150 Champagne Electronic Package; $250 Cheers Electronic Package. All jackpots must go. All regular games pay $2,016/$2,016 consolation. Ringing in the New Year is optional with 5 extra Special Games paying $2,016/$2,016. No discounts, coupons, or certi cates with initial buy-in. Special Games are included in the $250 package or can be purchased throughout the evening.
November Specials—To celebrate 32 years of bingo, during November, all initial buy-ins include 32 cards. Limit 64 cards per session with a PHD and Maxpack buy-in. Minimum electronic purchase required. All Matinee iii sessions, $5 buy-in, Regular
Games pay $500 (no Dauber’s chance).
Veteran’s Day Hat Giveaway—Wednesday, November 11th, all sessions, $3 military discount with initial buy-in, 2 PHD drawings for all sessions.
Thanksgiving Day— ursday, November 26th, doors open at 3:30 p.m. Turkey Game 100x last number called game win up to $7,500. Regular Evening session. Each guest that purchases a minimum buy-in will receive 36 free Level 1 electronic cards. Special Dauber Gift Drawing.
Black Friday—Friday, November 27th, all sessions. Spin, Win, and Share! Spin the wheel and your entire table wins what you win. Plus purchase any
electronic package and receive half- o  the second package.
Kozmik BinGLO: Every Saturday night at 11 p.m. Kozmik paper buy- in, $8 and $9; electronic buy-in, $15 and $25. Kozmik BinGLO features club music, lasers, black lights, and a wild and crazy crew. Glow-in- the-dark attire recommended. Saturday, November 21st is Sycuan’s Anniversary $10,000
Must Go! Saturday, November 28th is Wizard of Oz. Join Dorothy
and her Kozmik
Crew on the
yellow brick road
to riches, when
over $10,000 must
go! $15 Wicked
Witch Package;
$30 Glinda Good
Witch Package; $45
Dorothy Package. Reserve your Party Table now and receive a special treat bag. No masks or weapons.
Bingo daily, matinee and evening sessions. For information call 1-800-847-6537.
November 2015 Bingo Calendar

   25   26   27   28   29