Page 9 - June 2016 • Southern California Gaming Guide
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$1.3 Million TournEvent of Champions®
The Ultimate Slot Tournament
In the past few years slot tournaments have been elevated to fun, thrilling, streamlined events that casino players love. Coupled with the attraction of signi cant cash prizes, slot tournaments are amazing party events right on the casino  oor. But there’s nothing to compare to Everi’s TournEvent of Champions that we feature this month.  is slot tournament phenomenon, now in its  fth year, searches for the Best Slot Tournament Player. Using Everi’s revolutionary TournEvent® slot tournament system, players have the chance to play thrilling tournament-style slots. Find out where and when you can play in qualifying tournaments at participating casinos throughout all of California in our feature on page 16.
And if you’ve never played in a slot tournament, be sure to read Slot Tournament Basics: Competitive Play on page 24. Current slot tournament technology has had a hand is making slot tournaments easier for casinos to run and more enjoyable for players. Gone is the need to wait for hours to tally scores and prepare tote boards. With the development of systems like the ground-breaking and award-winning Everi
TournEvent®, casinos can hold slot tournaments with ease, using banks of slots already on the casino  oor with built-in electronic tote boards and personalized video screens in tournament rounds. While the Spin button reigns supreme, players also have to focus on the on-screen special ways that can elevate scores in an instant. De nitely not your grandmother’s slot tournaments.
I hope you voted for your favorite slots in the annual Southern California Gaming Guide Reader’s Choice 2016 Best Slots. And I hope you’ll be one of the cash prize drawing winners. Your write-in choices are being tallied this month by an independent source and will determine the 2016 Best Slots.  e Reader’s Choice 2016 Best Slots will be announced in the July issue, along with all of the random drawing cash prize winners.
On Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th, there are lots of exciting events at Southern California casinos including special promotions and Father’s Day brunches and bu ets. Check out Gaming News on page 10, and treat Dad to a day at the casino.
Meanwhile, stay cool in June, and always keep your play fun at the casinos.
Volume 15, Number 6 • June 2016
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Let’s Play a Game of 20 Questions
1. Do you lose time from work due to gambling?
2. Is gambling making your home life unhappy?
3. Is gambling affecting your reputation?
4. Have you ever felt remorse after gambling?
5. Do you ever gamble to get money in order to pay debts or to otherwise solve financial difficulties?
6. Does gambling cause a decrease in your ambition or efficiency?
7. After losing, do you feel you must return as soon as possible and win back your losses?
8. After a win, do you have a strong urge to return and win more?
9. Do you often gamble until your last dollar is gone?
10. Do you ever borrow to finance your gambling?
11. Have you ever sold any real or personal property to finance gambling?
12. Are you reluctant to use “gambling money” for normal expenditures?
13. Does gambling make you careless of the welfare of your family?
14. Do you ever gamble longer than you planned?
15. Do you ever gamble to escape worry or trouble?
16. Have you ever considered committing an illegal act to finance gambling?
17. Does gambling cause you difficulty in sleeping?
18. Do arguments, disappointments or frustrations create within you an urge to gamble?
19. Do you have an urge to celebrate any good fortune by a few hours of gambling?
20. Have you ever considered an act of self-destruction as a result of your gambling?
A statewide, non-profit organization helping people affected by
problem gambling
41743 Enterprise Circle N., Ste. 202 Temecula, CA 92590 Phone: (714) 765-5804
Fax: (951) 296-0456
If you answered “yes” to seven or more of these questions, gambling
If you answered “yes” to seven or more of these questions, gambling
may not be just a game for you anymore. Please call the California
may not be just a game for you anymore. Please call the California
Council on Problem Gambling at 1-800-GAMBLER for help. Council on Problem Gambling at 1-800-GAMBLER for help.
JUNE 2016
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