Page 9 - Southern California Gaming Guide •  April 2020
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IIn the New World of Firsts: A Digital Issue Only t’s been a turbulent time for us all since the COVID-19 virus has interrupted our lives. The April   Volume 19, Number 4 • April 2020 Publisher/Editor Théon Banos Cross Associate Publisher Fenn Cross Publication Design Burk Design Group Art Direction Kevin Burk Advertising Sales Théon Banos Cross Contributors Gail Anders • Cee Stuart Maya Winkler Alex Winters Address P. O. Box 19267 San Diego, CA 92159 General Information: 619.462.5891 Advertising Email: 619.462.5891 @2020 Gaming Guide, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without expressed written permission from the publisher. The Gaming Guide logo is a registered trademark of the Gaming Guide. The Southern California Gaming Guide is published monthly for a total of 12 issues per year. Subscriptions are available at $25 per year. Please send check or money order to address listed above. Readers are recommended to make appropriate inquiries before wagering any sum in relation to any ad, article, or feature published herein. The Gaming Guide shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his/her accepting, offering to accept or following any invitation or advice contained in any ad, article or feature published herein. The Southern California Gaming Guide is printed on 100% recycled paper. Please recycle your copy. issue of the Southern California Gaming GuideTM was scheduled to go to press on the weekend of st March 21 , but as the pandemic events unfolded, I questioned printing the April issue. It was ready for upload, complete with all the features readers expect to see every month: The Don’t Miss List, Players Club Promotions, Tournaments, Extra Casino Values, Poker Plays, Bingo Calendar, and Shuttle Bus Schedules. As of March 20th, all Southern California Indian Nations had voluntarily closed their casinos in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s State Executive Order to “Stay in Place” in response to the growing pandemic. The unprecedented move was to protect their casino guests and employees. Prior to the temporary closings, casinos had put extraordinary cleaning practices into effect, postponed or cancelled headlining entertainment, suspended shuttle bus operations and more. As of March 27th, most casinos had reviewed and reassessed their reopening dates from the first days of April to either mid April or “until further notice”, On pages 3 and 4 of this digital issue you can read portions from featured casinos’ press releases and letters of current (as of March 28th) projected reopening dates. But on March 29th, President Trump announced that all Americans must continue to avoid nonessential travel, going to their places of work, eating at bars and restaurants, or gathering in groups of more than 10 for at least another month. So it appeared that the April issue had to be a digital issue only, without featured casinos’ April events, promotions, and shuttle bus schedules. This issue I hope, will not disappoint. The cover feature, Big Wins! remained, one of most read reader favorites we run at least twice a year. Also included are features readers may recall from previous issues on slots and slot tournaments, Blackjack, and gaming idioms. I am deeply inspired by the sense of community I’ve witnessed as Southern California casinos collectively addressed the challenges of COVID-19. Our readers and advertisers are in our thoughts, knowing your safety and security are our paramount concern. It is in times of uncertainty that we find strength in community. Be well and safe.  APRIL 2020 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAMING GUIDE PAGE 9 From the Publisher... 

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