Page 4 - December 2003 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 4

TWh e B e s t o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a G a m i n g 2 0 0 3 ! hen we announced the First Annual Best of Southern California Gaming Reader’s Poll in our August 2003 issue, we had no idea what was in store for our sta . We wanted to know what you, our readers, and casino players, think
is the best of Southern California gaming for 2003! From August 1st to September 30th, 2003 we received your completed surveys (printed in our August 2003 issue, and online until the end of September). Our post boxes (both literal and virtual) were  lled each day beyond our expectsions, for two months! We are heartened to know we have so many readers all over Southern California, and Hawaii, and Arizona!  ank you for taking the time to  ll out the 2003 survey, telling us what you think is the Best of Southern
California Gaming!
 e  rst 100 survey respondents received a Southern California Gaming Guide tote bag.
And judging from the many thank-you notes we’ve received, you appreciate your gift! One lucky randomly-chosen Super Jackpot winner (a Murrieta reader) won $1000.00 in cash! (See page 10.) Two other readers, one from Anaheim, the other from North Hollywood won resort casino stays at Barona Valley Ranch and Sycuan Casino & Resort! Other Reader’s Poll prize winners of gaming books are listed on our web site.
So, after two months of compiling data, we list on page 10 your (our readers) choices for the Best of Southern California Gaming 2003! Congratulations to all the Southern California casinos who received our readers’ recognition!
 is issue also includes news about the October wild  res. San Diego and San Bernardino County tribal lands were devastated by the  res, but thankfully have begun to recover. We describe some of the Tribes’ relief e orts and the e ects of the  res on page 15. Some of our readers phoned to ask why we did not cover news of the  res in our November issue.  e November issue was already being delivered to distribution points when the October  res took place. We send healing thoughts and prayers to everyone who was a ected.
In 2004, look for lots of continued entertaining and informative features in the Southern California Gaming Guide! We wish you all a wonderful holiday season, and a bright, healthy, and lucky 2004!
Remember, wager wisely and have fun at the casinos!
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Gaming Guide!
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Page 4 DECEMBER 2003
From the Publisher

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