Page 5 - February 2006 • Southern California Gaming Guide
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TCelebrating Four Years of the Gaming Guide!
his month we celebrate our fourth anniversary! Four years ago we began publishing the Harrah’s Rincon Casino & Resort. Harrah’s Rincon
Gaming Guide. e rst six months as a San Diego monthly, and then, in response to reader
requests, we expanded to the monthly Southern California Gaming Guide to include news and information on all tribal government casinos in Southern California!
At that time we extended our distribution throughout Southern California to Los Angeles County, including the San Fernando Valley, Ventura, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, and of course, San Diego County. And four years later we have a readership of well over 450,000 monthly, and readers as far away as Hawaii! In the last year we increased distribution through Ventura County and began some distribution in the Imperial Valley.
is holding the only World Series of Poker Circuit event in the state of California. On page 7 read about this fantastic opportunity to play in one of the world’s most celebrated poker events right in San Diego. See page 11 for the tournament schedule.
In just a few months it will be tax time, and if you’ve won any jackpots this year (and I hope you did), you’ll want to know as much as you can about the W-2Gs you received from the casino. e Frugal Gambler, Jean Scott, tells us on page 23 about casino players’ need to know about taxes and what the W-2G means. Look for her column again next month with even more tax info. While I don’t usually use this space to talk about many products, Scott’s book, Tax Help for the Frugal Gambler is a must-buy for any casino player.
Next month look for more exciting news and features — and let us know what else you would like to see in your favorite Southern California gaming magazine!
Meanwhile, keep your casino playing fun, and wager wisely at the casinos!
Let me know what you want to read! E-mail me, the publisher, éon Cross at theon@ eGamingGuide. com. You can also reach me by phone at 619-462-5891 or fax at 619-303-7638.
is month, we have expanded the number of pages of the Southern California Gaming Guide — we added four new color pages of news and information. In the next few months, look for new features and cover stories about things casino players want to read.
We look forward to bringing more readers more Southern California gaming news and information for many more years!
is month’s feature includes the latest news about casino dining, and our 2006 Casino Buffet Guide listing all Southern California casino bu ets with as much detail as space permits. We were not surprised to learn that many of our Southern California casinos have award-winning bu ets and dining — and an amazing variety of dining choices for their guests. e dining feature starts on page 16 and the Casino Bu et Guide is on page 18.
e February holidays, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day, give Southern California casinos a chance to celebrate with special meal and menu o erings, promotions and giveaways. See page 7 for Valentine’s Day specials we learned about at press time. Look for President’s Day celebrations, too. Casino Pauma is o ering Palm Club members the chance to take home 5,000 presidents — either Washingtons ($5,000) or Lincolns ($25,000). Don’t miss the coupon on page 24 for ve free entries to this exciting promotion that also includes a trip to Washington D.C.
e World Series of Poker is the biggest and most prestigious poker event in the world. And the World Series of Poker Circuit includes 12 major tournaments — including this month’s circuit tournament from February 26th–March 8th at
February 2006
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From the Publisher...