Page 6 - October 2006 • Southern California Gaming Guide
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The Frugal GamblerTM: Jean Scott
MGetting the Most from Your Slot Machine Play
any players have one or two casinos where they play the most. But if you want to branch out and try a di erent casino, here are some tips on how serious players (dollar-and-up or heavy quarter players) might be able to get comps at a casino where
they have never played.
Serious players can establish themselves in a new casino by using many of the same techniques as a beginning player. Make sure you join the players club before you check into a casino hotel, to possibly qualify for the casino rate on a room. After several
hours of play, ask to speak to
a slot host, preferably while
you’re sitting at the highest
level machine you ever play,
to get food comps. If you are
staying at the casino, you can
charge everything to your
hotel bill, then have the host
rate your play at the end
of your visit.  ese are the
basics. Now let’s delve deeper
into the comp system.
Telling them that you plan to bring “front money” or establish a line of credit sometimes might help with getting comps in advance. Front money refers to a gambling bankroll that you deposit with the casino
 e  rst step would be to call in advance the casino’s toll-free number and ask to talk to a slot host. Introduce yourself and tell the host that you want to visit the casino, but you’re not familiar with their casino’s comp system.
Ask for their guidelines.  en tell the host how long and what denomination you usually play at other
casinos. If you and a playing partner plan to share a room, let the host also know your partner’s customary playing level, since most casinos will add your play together when they evaluate for comps. Ask what the requirements are for comped rooms and meals at di erent levels—for example, the bu et and co ee shop versus the gourmet restaurant.
Another way to let the for a comp. If it sounds like the  rst host you talked to host know you’re a player might be more generous, simply thank the one you’re is to drop the names of talking to without asking for anything.  en you other casinos you frequent. can wait for your  rst host and get the comps you’re
“The first step would be to call
in advance the casino’s toll-free number and ask to talk to a slot host. Introduce yourself and tell the host that you want to visit the casino, but you’re not familiar with their casino’s comp system. Ask for their guidelines. Then tell the host how long and what denomination
cashier and draw against
during your stay.  is tells
the host how much money
you have to gamble with.
Establishing credit at a
casino is more like a debit
card than a credit card. If
you have a bank account
with an average of $3,000
in it, the casino may give
you up to that $3,000 in
credit—after checking
your  nancial references, requirements don’t seem as high as the ones stated by of course. the host you talked to over the phone, then you can ask
you usually play at other casinos. If you and a playing partner plan
to share a room, let the host also You can say that you promised.  is can work for comps of every kind—
rooms, shows, food. Sometimes it can even include visits to the spa, if these are not privately contracted businesses.
To get almost all advanced-level comps, you have to go through a slot host. Anyone can get basic comps by “spending” their players club points at the booth. But for serious players, it pays to establish a good relationship with the men and women who have the
“power of the pen.”
If you want to learn more about getting comps and how to get more of them, you might want to read two books by Jean Scott: The Frugal Gambler and More Frugal Gambling. Go to her Web site ( for other products, including the brand new book, Frugal Video Poker by Jean Scott and Viktor Nacht.
know your partner’s customary playing level, since most casinos will add your play together when
they evaluate for comps.”
get comped RFB (room, food, beverage) at casino X. It’s best if you can cite a casino at the same level (or higher) as the one where you’re trying to establish yourself.  e host will  gure that if you’re comped at a premium casino, you must be a pretty good customer, and this will in uence his decision on how much he can comp you in advance. But don’t pu  up your record at other casinos.  e host will remember this if you play at his casino at a much lower level. Many casinos won’t bring in a new customer fully comped. Your action will be
monitored to determine whether you play to the level you claim, and at the end of your stay comps will be adjusted accordingly.
It pays to talk to your host again after you’ve arrived and have played a few hours. If the host you talked to earlier isn’t on duty, talk to a di erent one. In fact, it sometimes pays to talk to two di erent hosts, because you may get two di erent answers and you can choose the most generous one! If the second host’s
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Page 6
October 2006
Jean Scott, The Frugal GamblerTM

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