Page 16 - July 2007 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 16

by Anna Tennant
If you are like many others who believe that certain numbers bring good luck, it’s possible that you’ve already circled July 7, 2007 on your calendar as the perfect day to spend time at your favorite casino. After all, any good luck surrounding the number seven promises to be stronger than ever in 2007, when those who believe in the power of seven commemorate the seventh day of the seventh month in the seventh year of this millennium. Also, let’s not forget that July 7th falls this
Significant Sevens Surround Us
When you stop and think about it, you’re sure to come up with at least seven examples of the number seven. To start out, there are seven deadly sins, seven virtues, seven seas, and the seven wonders of the ancient world. Even today, the continuing signi cance of sevens in our lives has
brought about a competition to decide the New Seven Wonders of the World. On July 7th in Lisbon, Portugal, seven man-made wonders in existence before 2000willbeannounced,thewinners chosen after worldwide voting out of twenty-one entries from six of the seven continents.
You’ve probably recalled other instances of sevens, but how about this little-known lucky seven? A seven- pointed star is a traditional symbol for
year on a Saturday, the seventh day of the week.
 e ampli ed energy of multiple sevens occurring at the same time has excited a lot of people. What is it about the number seven that gives it that mystical aura and magic of goodluck?Beliefinthepositivepowerandimportanceof the number seven has been around in the western world for thousands of years. Some think it goes back long before recorded history, when our earliest ancestors looked up to the sky and saw the sun, the moon and  ve planets shining steadily, not blinking like distant stars. We know that ancient Greek philosophers called seven the perfect number and the number of major gods and goddesses of the Greeks,
the Romans, and the Goths was— you guessed it—seven.
In the Bible there are many references both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament to the number seven, beginning, of course, with the number of days it took to make the world. Sevens actually appear in the spiritual beliefs of many cultures around the world.
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July 2007

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