Page 18 - July 2007 • Southern California Gaming Guide
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Julia won a Nissan Titan and a Sea-Doo in the Sand & Sea Promotion at Golden Acorn Casino.
Feeling lucky? Is this the day you feel you’ll win “ e Big One” at the casino? Southern California casino players have won millions in the
Players Win Recor at Southern Ca
Katherine won $102,000 on 5¢ Royal Touch Multi Game slots at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino.
by Maya Winkler
2007 Lucky Winners
Every picture tells a story, and we put as many winners’ photos as we could on these pages for you to see.  ey include MegaJackpots winners, plus winners of casino luxury and specialty car promotions and casino mystery progressive winners so far in 2007. While we would have liked to shown all big jackpot winners, it just was not possible. At our presstime, Barona Valley Ranch Resort and Casino alone had 30 of its 35 guaranteed Mercedes-Benz winners—a $2 million promotion for its guests. So read on about the lucky winners so far in 2007.
 e  rst MegaJackpots winner of 2007 was on Sunday, January 6th 2007, at Pala Casino Spa & Resort when an Oceanside woman became $282,091 richer after cashing in on a Wheel of Fortune quarter slotmachine.RosemarieCorraldecided
Rosemarie won $282,091 on 25¢ Wheel of Fortune® at Pala Casino Resort Spa on January 6th.
Shirley Won a 2007 Mercedes-Benz at Barona Valley Ranch Resort and Casino on May 3rd.
July 2007
past six months at local casinos. MegaJackpots , casino progressive
jackpots, and luxury and specialty car promotions have all yielded record winnings. All it takes is luck—being at the right place at the right time. Who knows? Perhaps if you are like one of the lucky winners shown on these pages, you may be in sync with the force of good luck.
Record $3.2 Million Penny Slot Jackpot at Casino Pauma
 e Force was certainly in evidence on June 4th at Casino Pauma for a Paci c Beach great-grandfather. Robert Wilkie, Jr. got the surprise of his life when he hit a MegaJackpots top award of $3,216,483 on a Star WarsTM penny slot machine.  e win is the largest-ever penny slot jackpot to hit in California. “I had no idea how much I won,” saidWilkie,agrandfatherofthreeandgreat- grandfather of two. “I thought it was only a
Robert won $3,216,483 playing 1¢ Star Wars® Video Slots at Casino Pauma on June 4th.
Vincent won a 2007 Mercedes-Benz at Barona Valley Ranch Resort and Casino on May 7th.
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couple hundred dollars.  is is my lucky machine!”  e 76-year-old Navy veteran was visiting Casino Pauma with his wife when the jackpot hit. He plans to pay o  the rest of his Paci c Beach home with his winnings and put the remainder in the bank.
MegaJackpots® Winners
From January to June 2007 MegaJackpots progressive slots have awarded more than $20 million to California casino players. So far it’s been a fantastic year for Southern California casino-goers playing MegaJackpots slot machines, with record fortunes made and new and exciting games coming on board.
While most of us would be happy to win a $1,000 jackpot at the casino, many of the players shown on these pages won $100,000-plus jackpots—most of them on wide-area progressive slots, primarily Wheel of Fortune® and other slots that are linked on a network of Native American casinos and accrue to over $100,000—and sometimes in the millions.
Edwin won $82,309 in Soboba Casino’s Treasure Chest Mystery Progressive.
Lupe won $782,127 playing 25¢ Wheel of Fortune®atAguaCalienteCasinoonApril28th.
IGT MegaJackpots have produced more than 1,000 millionaires and have awarded more than $3.8 billion in major jackpots. MegaJackpots games have also produced two million-dollar-plus jackpots on the same day on numerous occasions.
As of our press date, there have been exactly 480 MegaJackpots winners in California, who have won a total of $277,754,243. Of that total, $220,996,206 has been won on Wheel of Fortune slots. And Southern California has a unique distinction:  e  rst California MegaJackpots winner was the  rst Southern California winner. A $249,943 Quartermania® jackpot was won on July 17, 2000 at Barona Casino.
All IGT MegaJackpots are paid in annual installments upon veri cation, except MegaJackpots Instant WinnersTM and Rapid Riches MegaJackpotsTM games, which are paid in their entirety upon veri cation.
Antonio Won a 2007 Mercedes-Benz at Barona
Valley Ranch Resort and Casino on May 15th. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAMING GUIDE

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