Page 11 - October 2007 • Southern California Gaming Guide
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October 2007 Poker Plays
BARONA VALLEY RANCH RESORT AND CASINO Round-the-Clock Poker Action in the Poker Parlor Barona Valley Ranch Resort and Casino features a
15-table, non-smoking poker room with $3/$6, $4/$8, $8/$16 and No-Limit Texas Hold’em and High-Low Stud. Barona’s Poker Parlor features table pagers. When your seat is available, your pager will let you know and your table will be ready and waiting.
Morning Rack Attacks: Monday through Friday from 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., one table will be drawn to have $100 added to the next pot every half-hour.
Aces Cracked, Win a Rack: Monday through Friday from noon to 4 p.m., if a Hold’em player loses with pocket aces, the player wins a rack of $1 chips ($100). Pot must be at least $20 to qualify.
No-Limit Hold’em Tournaments: Tuesday through  ursday at 6:30 p.m. $33 buy-in plus $7 entry fee.
Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. $25+$5 buy-in. Padres and Poker: During all Padre playo  games,
each time a Padre scores a run, one live-play table will be randomly drawn and a $100 Rack Attack will be added to the pot. Rack Attacks will also be awarded after the Padres have completed their at bat in the inning.  ree bonus Rack Attacks will be awarded if the Padres win.
Monday Night Football: For each 3-point  eld goal or a touchdown, three $100 Rack Attacks will be awarded. Five Rack Attacks will be awarded for each safety, and if a team returns a punt or kicko  for a touchdown, all tables will experience a rack attack. Players earn drawing entries with qualifying hands from 4 p.m. to the end of the game. Five players will win $100 each at the end of each quarter, and if the game goes into overtime,  ve players will win $300 each at the end of the game.
 e 2,000 square-foot non-smoking poker room includes 15 poker tables and 12 variations of poker games, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Monday: 10a.m., No-Limit Hold’em; $30+$5 buy-in, $1,000 guaranteed, $5 bounties.
Monday: 7p.m., No-Limit Hold’em; $40+$5 buy-in, 10 Bounty Tournament.
Tuesday: 10 a.m., Omaha; $22+$5 buy-in.
Wednesday: 10 a.m., No-Limit Hold’em; $22+$5 buy-in, $5 bounties.
Wednesday: 7 p.m., No-Limit Hold’em; $35+$5 buy-in, $2,000 guaranteed.
Thursday: 10 a.m., No-Limit Hold’em; $22+$5 buy-in, $5 bounties.
Friday: 10a.m., No-Limit Hold’em; $27+$5 buy-in, $10 bounties.
Saturday: 11 a.m., No-Limit Hold’em; $35+$5 buy-in, $2,000 guaranteed.
Sunday: 9 a.m., No-Limit Hold’em; free entry with 12 hours live play during the week. $1,000 guarantee.
Sunday: 1 p.m., No-Limit Hold’em; $40+$5 buy-in, $3,000 guaranteed.
Double Jackpots: Monday–Friday 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wacky Cash Giveaway:  ursdays 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. $2,000 Guarantee No Limit Hold ’em Tournaments:
Friday October 5th, 12th and 19th at 7 p.m. $35+$5 buy-in. Player of the Year Promotion:  e top 30 point earners between July 1st and October 31st could win a 7-day Poker Cruise to the Mexican Riviera and $1,000 in spending cash.  e top 30 point earners will play in a  nal tournament on November 9th.  e 1st place winner wins cruise and spending cash; 2nd through 6th
place winners win cash.
$5k Customer Appreciation Tournament: Friday,
October 26, 2007.
 e 11-table poker room opens at 10 a.m. daily and features Texas Hold’em, Omaha and 7 Card Stud. Poker room stays open 24 hours when necessary.
Daily Big Deal: Daily at 11 a.m. and Monday through  ursday at 6 p.m., $30 buy-in, 2 re-buys, 1 add-on.
$2,000 Poker Payoff: Every Saturday, 5 p.m. to midnight, includes hourly cash drawings.
No-Limit Texas Hold’em Tournaments every Friday,
SaturdayandSundayat4 p.m.(sign-upsbeginat2:30p.m.).
$20 buy-in receives $1,500 in tournament chips; two $10 No Limit Hold’em Tournaments: Saturday,
re-buys for $1,000 chips ( rst three rounds only); $20 add-on for $4,000 chips at end of third round. First place wins 50% of prize pool; three places paid with one table, four places paid with two or more tables.
Eight-table, non-smoking poker room. Texas Hold’em, Omaha, and Stud. Phone (800) 827-2946 ext 84835. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday:
1:30 p.m., No-Limit Hold’em, $30 buy-in for $6,000 chips; $10 add-on/re-buy for $3,000 chips.
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 7 p.m., No-Limit Hold’em, $60 buy-in for $7,000 chips; $20 re-buy for $4,000 chips. Winners receive cash and $500 buy-in for Tuesday’s 2-3-5-10 to go Cash Game.
Tuesday: 7p.m., “Big Game” 2-3-5-10 to go, No-Limit Hold’em Cash Game.
Thursday: 1:30 p.m., No-Limit Crazy Pineapple Eight or Better, $30 buy-in for 6,000 chips; $10 add-on/ re-buy for 3,000 chips.
Friday: 7 p.m., No-Limit Hold’em, $110 buy-in. October 2007
October 6th and 20th. Registration at 4 p.m., $25 buy-in, $5 bounty. $1,000 guaranteed, play begins at 4 p.m.
Hold’em, $40 buy-in for 8,000 chips, $20 re-buy/
add-on for 4,000 chips.
Win a Cruise to the Mexican Riviera: Club Fantasy
members earn entries through November. Poker players activate their entries on November 3rd for the 8 p.m. drawing in the Poker Room. Double points are awarded Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Grand Prize winner receives seven-day Mexican Riviera Cruise for two with deluxe accommodations; Second Prize receives cruise with standard accommodations;
 ird Place wins $1,000 in cash.
Golden Acorn Casino’s Poker Room, located on the casino  oor, welcomes new poker players.  e room is open Friday–Tuesday at 6 p.m. and features 7-Card Stud, Texas Hold’em, Omaha Hold’em, Pineapple, Crazy Pineapple and Hi-Lo, plus special Bad Beat Jackpots. Visit the Poker Room for the poker tournament schedule or call 1-866-7-winbig for more information.
Saturday and
12 p.m.,
Harrah’s Rincon Casino & Resort features a 14-table,
non-smoking poker room with a World Series of Sunday Tournaments: $20/$5/$5 No-Limit
Poker® theme, open Sunday– ursday from 9 a.m. to 4 a.m. and Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 a.m.
Low-limit (3/8 and 4/8) Texas Hold’em.
Monday: 12p.m., $30 No-Limit Tournament;
7 p.m. $40 No-Limit Tournament.
Tuesday: 12 p.m., $30 No-Limit Tournament;
7 p.m. $40 No-Limit Tournament.
Wednesday: 12 p.m., $30 No-Limit Tournament;
7 p.m. $40 No-Limit Tournament.
Thursday: 12 p.m., $30 No-Limit Tournament;
7 p.m. $40 with $1,000 added No-Limit Tournament. Friday: 12 p.m., $30 No-Limit Tournament. Saturday: 11 a.m., $30 No-Limit Tournament.
Hold’em tournament.
Spotlight 29 MVP Challenge: Fridays at 6 p.m.
through November 30th. Buy in $50 + $10 to progressive prize pool.
All Star Poker Challenge: Saturday, October 13th at 2 p.m.,  nal table 12 p.m. October 14th. Initial buy-in is $560 (includes $50 to house and $10 dealer gratuity)
for $10,000 in tournament chips. Tournament is 30-minute rounds of No-Limit Hold’em. Celebrity guests include NFL Hall-of-Famer Deacon Jones and
comedian Gabe Kaplan. Buy-ins are available now. Call 760-775-3355 for more information.
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Southern California Casino Poker Plays

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