Page 13 - October 2007 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 13

October 2007 Bingo Calendar
Open daily. Matinees Mon.–Sat. 2:30 p.m., Sunday 7 p.m. Main Session Mon.–Sat. 6:30 p.m. and Sun. 2 p.m. Main session buy-ins are $15 pays $600 or $25 pays $1,199 unless otherwise noted. Bingo Information Line, 800-827-2946.
October Specials: Sundays: $15/$25 buy-in; free $5 start-up; Electronic Max Pack double cards. Monday October 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd: Electronic Max Pack Double Cards paying $600/$1,199; Monday October 29th: Get 1,000 Club Fantasy points, $15/$25 buy-in. Tuesdays: $13 Axe the Tax, 10 main games pay $1,199.
Wednesday October 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th: 2 for 1 matinee specials; $5 buy-in pays $500 evening sessions. Wednesday, October 31st (Halloween): $3,000 Fantasy Bonanza Game, $15/$25 buy-in. Thursdays: Electronic Max Pack Double Cards paying $600/$1,199; $10 paper pays $500, $3 side packs pay $1,000. Fridays: 5-4-5 Friday, $5 buy-in pays $500 with Electronic Minimum $30. Saturdays: Super “C” Electronic Pack/90 main game cards.
Bingo Wed–Sun. Phone: 1-800-252-4499 ext. 3954.
Tues.–Sat. 9 a.m., Early Birds, Regular Sessions and Intermission Games: $10 buy-in, $15 games paying up to $250, three specials pay $500 each. Phone: 1-888-772-7626.
October Specials: Wednesdays: 8 a.m. Bermuda Triangle $400/$800 payout. Fridays: 1st game pays $100, last game pays $500. Saturdays:  ree specials paying $300, $400 and $500.
Matinee Bingo Daily 9:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m., and 2 p.m., $10 buy-in, 10 regular games pay $300; Saturday & Sunday Matinee I free breakfast; Matinee II and III, $10 buy-in, 10 regular games pay $500, $3 Star Bonus Packs pay $500; Treasure Hunt Bingo (Sat)/Bullseye Bingo (Sun) pay $1,000. Evening Sessions daily at 7 p.m.; Monday–  ursday $10 pack pays $1,000, $3 Star Bonus Pack pays $1,000; Friday–Sunday, $10 pays $1,199, $3 Star packs pay $750, $5 Star packs pay $1,199; Saturday $10 pays $1,199. Fridays, $5,000 Circle 8 must go; Sundays, $5000 Casino Bingo must go. Phone: 1-800-2-sycuan.
Lucky Sevens Bonus Tuesdays: Bingo on B7 or any number ending in 7 and win an extra $300!
Mon. – Fri. Matinees: 11 a.m., 2 p.m., $10 buy-in pays $300; Early Birds and Warm Ups: 6:30 p.m. Evening Session: 7:30 p.m. , $10 buy-in pays $1,000; $18 buy-in pays $1,500. Saturday Matinees: 11 a.m., 2 p.m., $10
buy-in pays $300; Evening Session: 7:30 p.m., $15 buy-in pays $1,199. Sunday: Matinee I, 11 a.m., Matinee II, 2 p.m., $10 buy-in pays $300; Evening Session: 5 p.m., $16 buy-in pays $1,500. No Early Birds or Warm-Ups on Sundays. Phone: 619-445-5400.
Thursday Night Second Chance Specials: Every  ursday in October, VIPickem, Bonanza, Double Action and Jackpot will have a $500 consolation.
Halloween Bingo Bash: On Wednesday, October 31st, guests for Matinees and Evening Sessions receive a free dauber goodie bag with their buy-in and a valid V Club Card (coupons, passes and discounts will be accepted). During the evening session, you could win a special Trick-or-Treat door prize—and 20 guests
will go bobbing for special gifts—like $100 cash.
So back to the truth.  e donkeys in the nickel/ dime game who call anything will give you a lot of bad beats. But if you know how to play poker, you will overcome their mistakes and you will beat them in the long run. But if you can’t beat the nickel/dime game, you won’t beat the next highest game. You know why? Because there are players in the higher
SAN MANUEL INDIAN BINGO & CASINO Bingo daily (except  ursdays). Phone: 2464.
Jim Mercurio: Poker
LAies, Lies, Lies—They are Going to Get You
s a  lmmaker, writer and even poker columnist, my job is to tell stories. Which means I have to tell lies. I have to sometimes twist a few facts, fabricate a detail or even glorify a trivial process all in the name of getting to, ironically, the truth.
So I lie every day. And no one gets hurt. In fact, You get a backer. You move up to higher levels where there
people are hopefully entertained.
But I was listening to a poker radio show where someone may have been telling the truth or partial truth to entertain his audience. However, I think people could get hurt by following his advice.
aren’t donkeys. You take shots at bigger games.
 ese statements may be true for some people.
 ey might be true for you on some days. But ultimately their purpose is not to inform.  eir purpose is to make you think the loud-mouthed poker pro dispensing the advice is cool and wise.  ere is another little secret that leads to the success of the best players you see on TV. But I won’t give that away until the end of the
column.  at would be bad storytelling.
Several callers on the
show asked a variant of
the same question,“How
do I build a big bankroll
like these pros and
online pros?”  e radio
host is paid to talk and
entertain, so he gave di erent answers to each person.
October 2007
Page 13
“The donkeys in the nickel/ dime game who call anything will give you a lot of bad beats. But if you know how to play poker, you will overcome their mistakes and you will beat them in the long run. But if you can’t beat the nickel/dime game, you won’t beat the next
Continued on page 26...
Bingo Calendar Poker: Wired Aces and River Rats

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