Page 23 - March 2016 • Southern California Gaming Guide
P. 23

Party People and Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles Ware Player Favorites at Barona Resort & Casino
elcome to our new feature, Player Faves. Over the years we’ve heard from Southern California casino players about what makes them return again and again to a casino. Southern California casinos are some of the best in the U.S.
All have fantastic slots, table games, plus delicious dining. Some are world-class resorts with spas, golf courses, suites, and headlining entertainment.
At the beginning of the year we conducted an informal telephone poll, asking casino player readers why they continue to return to their favorite casino(s) again and again. And we asked them to name a favorite casino feature — something that makes their go-to casino stand out from the rest.
To start o  this new feature, we begin with highlighting the Player Faves we learned about Barona Resort & Casino.  e multi-award- winning casino had a large number of readers who immediately cited Barona’s Party People as a consistent favorite, and as one of the reasons they return to Barona again and again. Additionally, players indicated Barona’s forward-thinking guest amenity, ChargePoint electric vehicle charging stations was a great guest perk.
ChargePoint Stations
As more and more drivers are making a switch to electric vehicles, Barona Resort & Casino was one of the  rst casinos in the country to install free ChargePoint electric vehicle charging stations as part of Barona’s comprehensive environmental sustainability program.  e complimentary charging stations are a unique VIP perk for an increasing
number of Club Barona players who drive eco- friendly automobiles and recognize the importance of green energy and preserving the planet.
 ey are also a bene t to Barona’s sta  who choose to drive electric vehicles to work. As an added convenience for drivers, ChargePoint introduced a smartphone app that guests can use directly from their phone to see speci c charging locations, availability and charge levels of their vehicle while they are charging
up.  e  rst eight
charging units
were installed at
Barona in 2014
and plans are in
the works to install more in 2016.
Party People
Barona Resort & Casino is the only casino in the world with an entire department of sta 
members dedicated to
making fun happen for all of its guests. Known as the Barona
Party People, this fun-loving group
is ready to celebrate with players and
create more memorable and winning moments during their visit to San Diego’s Best and Loosest Slots Casino as voted in the 2015 San Diego’s Best Union-Tribune Readers Poll and Best Casino and Loosest Slots Casino in the Southern California Gaming
Guide 2015 Best Casinos.  e entire casino  oor is the Party People’s o ce and their number-one job is to  nd new ways to bring
fun and cash to Barona’s players. Sometimes, it is as simple as greeting  rst-time visitors or celebrating a player’s birthday or wedding anniversary. Other times they might o er up a big cheery smile and a high- ve when a player has won a big jackpot. At any time of the day or night, the Party People parade through the casino inviting Club Barona members to play exciting games such as “Pop a Balloon” or “Will it Float” for extra cash and prizes.  e Party People are always on the lookout to  nd reasons to celebrate with friends old and new. Friendly, personal service from the Party People and all of the nearly 3,000 sta  members has built Barona’s reputation as the “Happiest Casino
on EarthTM.”
Tell us what features make you return to your
favorite casino(s) each month by emailing us at
MARCH 2016
March 2016 Player Faves

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